The Elder Scrolls Online’s Morrowind DLC now free for all players

All The Elder Scrolls Online players can now dive into Vvardenfell free of charge. The game’s first DLC, Morrowind, is available to all players starting today, allowing them to experience the story and the Vvardenfell location at will. The offer does not include the Warden class, however.
With the Morrowind DLC, all players can head to Vvardenfell and explore Vivec City, the Ashlands, and other zones the map offers. The zone’s main quest has important implications for the story, which culminated in expansions that launched after Morrowind was released in June 2017. To kick off the quest, players will investigate the disappearance of Vivec’s powers. The Warrior Poet is one-third of the Morrowind’s Tribunal gods (alongside Almalexia and Sotha Sil), and the loss of his powers has deep implications for the story.