Over 30 champions get massive win rate changes on first day after League’s durability update goes live

After months of burst damage, healing, and shielding being the dominant factors in winning games of League of Legends, the long-awaited durability patch has officially gone live, giving all champions a few more innate tools to help games go longer. In just one day of being live, this update has led to a large number of champions seeing their win rates change tremendously, for both better and worse.
More than 20 champions have received massive increases to their win rates with the launch of Patch 12.10, while many others had their win rates plummet on the first day of the patch, according to Platinum and above data from League stats websites U.GG and OP.GG. A compiled list of champions that have seen plus or minus two percent to their win rates on Reddit shows that many of those performing better are returning to the meta after some time away, leaving others to be sidelined.