LoL’s new Broken Covenant skin line adds a gothic spin on Miss Fortune, Nocturne, Riven, and others

Seven League of Legends champions will soon receive new cosmetics as part of the latest-revealed skin line by Riot Games. The Broken Covenant members are expected to reach the client in the first week of March with Patch 13.5, leaving players just enough time to prepare for their arrival.
The Broken Covenant skins look to be characterized by a breaking glass theme, which accompanies Riven, Nocturne, Vladimir, Miss Fortune, Xayah, Rakan, and Cho’Gath. Several designs seem to be inspired by the gothic windows adorning churches of the Middle Ages, including the visual effects of the majority of the recalls of the champions. Sumptuous accessories and graphic effects bring a decadent era to life on the Rift.