The gaming community, like most communities, can be very divided on various topics. You can find the most broken, unoptimized, unplayable video game in existence and it’s a guarantee there will be someone defending it. Not that 2023 has had any poor video game launches or anything, we’re just saying. One thing that everyone in the gaming community agrees upon is that cheaters are simply the worst, which makes seeing a hacker get instantly punished by karma a most satisfying experience.

CS:GO is no stranger to cheaters. That’s actually a very soft expression. CS:GO is littered with cheaters. If you’re playing non-prime matchmaking, the odds are you will encounter a hacker sooner rather than later. Prime isn’t some holy ground where no hackers dwell, but it’s at least tolerable. In any case, Valve hasn’t found a magical solution to get rid of CS:GO hackers, which leads to lots of frustration for regular players. Very rarely do any positive emotions come out of facing a hacker, but when it happens, it’s sweeter than honey.