Larian teams up with Frodo and Sam actors for ‘Unexpected Adventure’ in Baldur’s Gate 3
Elijah Wood and Sean Astin, actors behind Frodo and Sam in the critically acclaimed The Lord of the Rings movies, have teamed up with Larian CEO Swen Vincke for a Baldur’s Gate 3 special.
Wood and Astin, named by Swen as “the world’s foremost experts on fantasy,” tried out BG3 and gave their two cents on the game’s design. The short special Dec. 24 episode, “Baldur’s Gate 3: An Unexpected Journey,” shows Vicke, Wood, and Astin playing Baldur’s Gate 3, commenting as they go. The video’s title is a callback to Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit series, the first of which is called An Unexpected Journey.