Official WoW poll confirms Season of Discovery is almost as popular as Dragonflight

World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery has been making rounds through the gaming community, bringing many seasoned WoW players back to the revolutionary MMO. Its success was already evident, but it’s now been confirmed that SoD is the second-most popular WoW server, just behind the Dragonflight expansion.
The poll was launched World of Warcraft on YouTube on Dec. 15, with over 65,000 players participating at the time of writing. The developers asked a simple question: “How are you playing WoW right now?” with most players opting for either Dragonflight or SoD. In terms of percentages, 47 percent of players said they preferred Dragonflight, WoW‘s latest expansion, but a surprising 41 percent said they’re actively engaging with SoD instead, which goes to show how much people love the old-school feel offered by this Classic spin-off. Nine and four percent of players said they’re playing Classic and Hardcore, respectively.