The creators of Baldur’s Gate 3 at Larian Studios are preparing to move on to new projects, but not without leaving a worthy legacy. According to the studio’s chief executive Swen Vincke, BG3 shipped twice as many copies as Divinity: Original Sin 2—nearly 15 million.

Vincke revealed BG3 sales were “almost double” that of Divinity: Original Sin 2 in an interview with GameSpot on March 21. Vincke also remarked that BG3 was more successful than the studio anticipated it to be, which tracks given both the speed of the sales figures and the game’s reception. Seeing as Divinity: Original Sin 2 shipped approximately 7.5 million copies according to Vincke’s interview with Eurogamer in 2023, that would put BG3‘s sales at over the 15 million mark and make it one of the best-selling modern RPGs of all time.