Baldur’s Gate 3 is going strong eight months after release, with players still learning things the hard way as if it came out yesterday. One such player was met with an unfortunate circumstance in the game’s Honor mode due to taking the leisure of Balanced difficulty for granted.

On April 7, one Baldur’s Gate 3 player shared their experience with the game’s Honor mode, a difficulty level recently added in Patch 5, in a massive Reddit thread. As the hardest difficulty to play BG3 on, Honor naturally has its strange caveats—ones the player likely didn’t even dream of after beating the game on the recommended Balanced mode. Since Balanced offers players plenty of opportunities to heal and rest up at the so-called restoration pods, Reddit user ecchi_yajur’s Honor mode run was absolutely ruined when they found out that Larian removed those restoration pods from certain locations to spice up the Honor mode gameplay.