There are plenty of changes in store for weapons in Apex Legends season 21, but perhaps none loom larger than the Wingman coming out of the care package. It’ll be replaced by the Devotion, which Respawn Entertainment says should be reminiscent of its scary season four state.

In a press conference ahead of the season, Respawn peeled back the curtain on the balancing changes coming in season 21, highlighted by the Wingman and Devotion trading places. But there’s even more happening to other weapons and attachments as well, including the demise of the Digital Threat. While at one point the Digital Threat nearly defined metas alone, synergizing with characters like Bangalore that could obscure vision through smoke, the move to take the attachment away from all SMGs and the Wingman nerfed the Digi Threat to the point where it didn’t make sense to keep it in the loot pool.