Spider-Man 2’s ‘rough’ PC release bombed with negative reviews

The long-awaited PC port of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 has been met with poor reception from players due to constant bugs and technical issues. The game is currently sitting at “Mixed” on Steam, with fans advising others to avoid the title until it is fixed.
Spider-Man 2 launched on PC on Jan. 30 and was expected to follow up on the success of the previous title’s massively successful port, though that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Only a day after releasing, the game has been getting a ton of negative reception and reviews, with only 55 percent of them being positive. The primary reasons for this massive wave of negativity lies among a sea of technical issues, with one review saying that “to say this is ‘rough’ is an understatement.” Framerate problems, lighting glitches, desync, crashes, and freezes are just some of the problems cited in the game’s Steam reviews, which is unfortunately par for the course in modern game launches, especially ports.