Gameshow host Willie Revillame is popular for his generosity and kindness. The “Wowowin” host is a trusted friend whom you can always count on, especially in sticky situations. As a matter of fact, even Kris Aquino was witness to how kindhearted and generous Willie can be. In a previous interview, Kris opened up about the big favor that Willie did for him.

Way back in March of 2020, just when the coronavirus outbreak has started in the Philippines, Kris asked a big favor from Willie.

Kris and her two sons have no safe place to stay amid the pandemic because their home was under renovation. Without hesitation, Willie agreed to take them to his resort.

Amid the lockdown, Willie was gracious enough to allow Kris and her two kids to live in his private beach resort in Puerto Galera.

According to Kris, they stayed there for two months throughout the surge of COVID-19 cases here in the Philippines. Willie turned out to be a kind and generous host, not only to Kris but to Bimby and Kuya Josh as well.

However, despite being in the same property together, Kris claimed that they do not see each other often. According to the “Queen of All Media,” Willie is always busy with his businesses, which is why they rarely see each other.

Kris, on the other hand, passes time by reading many books on her room.

“I haven’t worked with him. I lived with him. Okay, that sounds wrong! Wait, I’ll correct it. Nakitira kami sa kanya. We stayed in his yacht, he stayed in his house. We are very opposite in the sense that he needs to be constantly in motion, he needs to be constantly moving. He doesn’t like wasting a moment,” said Kris.

Apparently, Willie even ordered his pilot to fly Kris and her sons in his helicopter! And for this gracious favor, Kris feels forever indebted to her good friend.

Would you also love to stay in Willie Revillame’s luxurious resort? We’d love to hear from you, so don’t hesitate to share your thoughts with us in the comments section below. For more updates on the latest happenings, feel free to follow us on Facebook.

Source: Keulisyuna